drums by fish

Studio quality drum tracks
… at a fraction of the cost.

Let’s face it: studio time is expensive. Even if you get the ‘midnight to 6am’ deal, hiring players, rehearsing a full band and cutting bed tracks simply is not in everyone’s budget. But you still want to have a quality recording, and while most tracks can be done at home or small project studios, recording drums properly requires much more than most home studios can give.
When it comes right down to it, a mediocre drum track can make or break a recording.

Go ahead… ask me some questions:

So, what do you do?

Thanks for asking! I provide high quality drum tracks for your project that will give your indie recording that big studio feel, at a fraction of the cost of going into a top studio.
CONTACT ME to talk about what you need for your project.

How do you do it?

A combination of software, hardware and years of experience. I give your music the attention and expertise it deserves – detail, grooves and great sounds – all thanks to technology and the musicality of a seasoned (and lightly grilled) musician/arranger/producer.

I know how hard it is to record great drum tracks. You usually get what you pay for. Sometimes, a lot less. I can give you those big bucks drum tracks you’ve been seeking but thought you couldn’t afford.
CONTACT ME to talk about what you need for your project.

So, what do I get?

Once we get the tracks that work for you, I upload your finished, high quality, individual raw drum tracks for you to download and deliver to your mix engineer. They behave just like any recorded kit, although you will often be getting more options than you would in an everyday studio.
CONTACT ME to talk about what you need for your project.

Can I get finished, mixed drum tracks?

I don’t recommend it. It’s best to make sure you’ve got all the separate tracks you need. Don’t waste your precious engineer/mix fees! You’ll want lots of tweaks during final mix (The snare needs more verb! The kick isn’t loud enough! The hats need distortion!), so leave your options open.

What if we slap the tracks into our song and the snare drum just ain’t right?

I can fix that – way easier and cheaper than going back into a studio and recording everything all over again. Choosing a different snare that is more suitable in character is better than messing with a lot of EQ on the one that doesn’t quite work. I give my clients one FREE revision session.

So, what’s it going to cost?

I work on a project-to-project basis, as everybody’s needs are different. But my services are affordable and you’ll walk away with great sounding custom drum tracks.
CONTACT ME to talk about what you need for your project.

What kind of music do you play?

I come from a rock and pop background and have played everything from folk and roots to world and alternative.
If you’re looking for a jazz player, I’m not your guy, and I don’t even attempt speed metal. Those guys are insane… in a really good way!
CONTACT ME to see if I am the right drummer for you.

In the meantime, here are just a few examples of what I can do for you:

Why don’t I just go out and buy my own software?

You could! Absolutely! Toontrack’s awesome Superior Drummer is the heart of my setup.
But I am the soul.
(I also use Reason, Ableton Live and some great vintage drum machines.)
Lots of people think, “Hey, I’ve got great software… I can play the drums!”
It’s like me saying, “I just bought a really great guitar… I can play like Dave Navarro!”
Believe me. I am not Dave Navarro.

So, who are you, anyway?!

I am a professional drummer, composer, arranger, vocalist and producer. Here are some people I’ve worked with:

Daniel Joseph (aka Sugarlips)

David Leask
David Ramsden
David Sereda
Derek Christie
Frank Patrick
Hush & Rust
Jim Field
Jonathan Seet
Laurelle Augustyn
Lee Whalen
Meryn Cadell
Michael Pickett
Neil Chapman
Priya Thomas
Rachel Smith
Ray Montford
Rhea’s Obsession
Sally McKay
Sleeps Six
Theresa McKay
Zombo Zombo
… and many others

I have also worked with producers Terry Brown, Michael-Phillip Wojewoda, Peter J. Moore, John Switzer, Doug Romanow and Kevin Ker.

Hunting20th Century Boy