‘The Upstream’ EP#8 is now up on Mixcloud!

Episode #8 of ‘The Upstream with brilliantfish’:
This episode is an open format show with great music from all over the map.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/brilliantfish/the-upstream-ep8/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]
1 Long Hot Summer by Swacked
2 brilliantfish intro
3 Born Feral by New Model Army
4 Warmest Regards by Half Moon Run
5 Down In Mississippi by Mavis Staples
6 Love Is Lost by David Bowie
7 Blood And Roses by The Smithereens
8 My Sex by Ultravox
9 brilliantfish talks, track list
10 Coke Bottle Candy by Julian Taylor Band
11 Candy Man by Reverend Gary Davis
12 Yallah by Page & Plant
13 Low Lays The Devil by The Veils
14 Doom and Gloom by The Rolling Stones
15 brilliantfish talks, track list
16 Katmandu To Die by Zombo Zombo
17 Ring Them Bells by Bob Dylan
18 Georgia On My Mind by Ray Charles
19 J’ai Faim Toujours by Little Jack Melody
20 Mysterons by Portishead
21 Tana’s Theme by Henry Mancini
22 brilliantfish talks, track list
23 Stop by brilliantfish