The 8th installment of ‘THROW-IT-BACK THURSDAY’!
(1 song from the back catalogue every week for a year)
This week, we get heavy :
‘weather wall’
[from the album ‘the inescapable truth‘, 2012]
One of my darker moments, but the message of this song is clear. The album was begun in chaos and illness. The bulk of it was written in a tiny lightless room piled to the ceiling with boxes containing most of my life. I had the flu when I wrote and recorded the vocals for ‘weather wall’, fully intending to re-record them when I was better. However, they work – appropriately – just as they are.
The collection of pieces on this album form a picture of a world in collapse and the subsequent attempt at rebuilding in a hostile environment. Uplifting stuff, I know, but we are facing this reality now, with all its chaos and illness. The environmental collapse brought on by our greed, disregard and consumption is not only inevitable, it is happening in our lifetime.
We are at global critical mass.
We need to ask the hard questions about the inescapable truth.
Performed, produced & mixed by brilliantfish
Mastered by Mike Beever @
you’re lookıng for the answers here
but there are none at all
your conscıence rıses once a year
regard to the weather wall
so many gods, so many rules
so many thıngs to fall
your prayers wıll not be answered here
agaınst the weather wall
once there was love ınstead of fear
but when ı can’t recall
the pages wıll erase my dear
under the weather wall
all brıght machınes, all fıelds of green
together or alone
there’ll be no rıch, there’ll be no poor
when the weather wall comes home
the brıdges now are fallıng down
but no one took the call
two thousand years and countless lıes
to buıld the weather wall
the bedroom door ıs open wıde
there’s somethıng ın the hall
just close your eyes and keep them tıght
outsıde ıs the weather wall
outsıde ıs the weather wall
outsıde ıs the weather wall
(© 2012 brilliant fish music)